I am a free woman because I learn

I am a free woman because I am not ashamed to love myself unconditionally.
I am a free woman because I am responsible for my emotions.
I am a free woman because I am not ashamed of my body.
I am a free woman because I do not let social normalities dictate how I should live my life.

I work hard to be the person that I am everyday and I refuse to let society take that away from me.

I learned how to say no, specially if it protects me from unwanted energy. I have learned to disagree in order to remain authentic in the person that I am. I learned not to settle for love that doesn’t mirror the love that I have for myself and if the love I have for myself seems to be suffering, I have learned to grow from that too. I have learned that loving other people is a lesson in loving myself. I have learned to take care of myself, to treat myself gently, and in the wake of frustration, to keep my mind focused on the solution rather than the problem. I have learned not to be hard on myself when things aren’t going my way. I have learned to let go of heartbreak. I have learned that it is okay to let myself be human and mistakes are just triggers for growth. Flaws ad dimension to our life. I have learned to let myself cry, let myself fear and not repress all the things that I feel.

I have learned that being emotional is only bad if I don’t take responsibility for how I feel. I have learned that being filled with emotion is a beautiful thing and I am not a stereotype. I have learned to admit my mistakes and say sorry. I have learned to remove myself from the role of victim and see the situation objectively. I have learned that keeping my ego intact is not worth losing beautiful connections with people. I have learned to admit that I have no clue what I am doing but I am winging it. I have learned to take a step back and realize I need to breathe and come home to my own heart again. I have learned that I can get drunk on my emotions, do things that I do not mean and the same thing can happen to anyone. I have learned not to be afraid of love and connection because every time we love, we enter a time of our lives where great transformation can occur and growth is beautiful. I have learned to forgive myself and others too. I have learned to be vulnerable and courageous because that is the one way we create a connection with other humans. I have learned not to let the fear of rejection rob me from my authenticity.

I have learned to love the magnificent art that is my body, not because it looks a certain way but because the way it functions is amazing to any curious mind. I have learned to work hard for my body in order to maintain it strong, functional and sharp. I have learned that I need to give my body maintenance through physical activity and nutrition. I have learned to be careful with what I feed my senses for what I watch, listen and eat play a huge role in the way that it functions. I have learned not to care about showing my skin because it makes people uncomfortable. I have learned to dress my body exactly how I feel not according to how society expects me to. I have learned to embrace my sexuality and not be ashamed of it. I have learn not to be ashamed of my body because it brings me joy and pleasure. I have learned my body is a piece of earth and it deserves all the love in the world.

I have learned that having children does not make me more or less of a woman and I do not have to hurry into it. I have learned that there is nothing wrong with being a sexual woman. I have learned that I do not have to learn how to cook and clean because society says so. I learned to cook a clean to take care of myself. I have learned that having slept with various men does not make me a slut or a whore, it just makes me human. I have learned that enjoying sex does not make me disgusting, embarrassing or a freak. It just makes me me. I have learned that I do not orgasm easily because it takes a lot of love and dedication to get to know my body. Good thing I know it well. I have learned I can teach my partner about my body and that should never be weird. I have learned that about 80% of women do not cum from intercourse so why are women pretending? I have learned not to pretend anything about my sexuality because I choose myself over pleasing others and preserving their comfort zones.

I am free because I have learned all of these things. There is always space for improvement and I will continue to give myself the gift of learning. There is always something to learn. There is always some place that needs growth.

I am free because I have learned.

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